Thursday 18 March 2010

Personality versus policy

David Cameron reveals his ideas to Trevor Macdonald today. A whole new side is shown during an interview on ITV. Before this, David Cameron was the guy who called Britain 'broken' , always appeared on a poster and hastened to attack Gordon Brown on anything.

He shows openness and a sense of humour during the talk. His wife Samantha gives her views on David referring to his posh background and good education. Shooting pool, reading a magazine and performing the washing up are just some of the activities David likes. However, the point of the interview was to show his character.

In today's celebrity-obsessed world, politicians catch on to the fact that people inquire of people and future Prime Ministers are no exception. An informed decision about the character of a person boosts any possible vote.

Yet, this begs the question whether personality is more important than policy? David Cameron is slower in revealing his policies than giving interviews. But will this prove fruitful? Pages of headlines account on the so-called bullying, pomp, opportunism and hypocrisy expressed by the candidates, but not a sausage about policy.

Encouraging young people to vote is important and creating personalities can do this. This is a hotly disputed race to a general election. Public interest in Jordan far out-grows public interest in David Cameron, a sad fact. But the UK's future direction lies squarely on Government shoulders.

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